Our campsite that we ended up at in Bellefonte, though, was very nice. For the most part there were not a lot of other campers (sorry, "Kampers") there. Other than a few large RVs headed for the Penn State game (large "We Are Penn State" stickers included), it was pretty quiet. Our specific site was set off from the rest which made it an easy first KOA stay for the dogs with less distractions. The picture below was taken right when we started unpacking. The "Kabin" was of basic essentials and is considered more of their stripped down versions.
Our grill made a triumphant first appearance; cooking up a nice jerk chicken dinner. It started to rain pretty much right after we finish cooking. So we moved inside and finished up while the two dogs took naps (below)
Through parts of the Amish country and some great farms, we wound our way through a sunny day on the road. Annie loved the baby cows...
Our campsite tonight is very similar to that of Bellefonte. We have a cabin, a small fire ring, and table (which I'm using currently to write this). Tonight's dinner was complete with steak and salad and some more home-made brownies. Tomorrow's plan is to try and see both Gettysburg College's campus (where I, Josh went) and also the battlefields. After that, our destination is Lexington, VA.
Sounds amazing! I love that you guys packed up your dogs :) I'm looking forward to reading your next post. I shall live this trip vicariously through you both....btw, is hank having fun or is he playing it cool?